Preventing Perioimplantitis

Dental implants offer the most impressive tooth replacement solution available today -- and they're also permanent. However, when dental implants are not cared for in the righ...

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Keeping Your Implants Clean

When you get new dental implants, one of your first concerns will be keeping the implants and the rest of your mouth in good condition. Taking care of implants is not complica...

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Treating Facial Trauma

Patients with facial trauma have often gone through extremely emotional and painful situations that resulted in their injuries. The unique circumstances surrounding how the in...

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Dental implants and aging

Aging affects all aspects of physical health, but did you know that aging has a specific affect on the gumline and your probability of losing natural teeth? Most older adults ...

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Caring for dental implants

Dental implants have revolutionized the way oral surgeons can repair and correct the damage created by missing teeth. With dental implants, however, there's a risk for infect...

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