
Did you know that receiving platelet-rich plasma (PRP) during oral surgery can help you recover faster? Our dentist in Melbourne, Dr. Sedaros offers PRP therapy at Sedaros Facial Surgery and Dental Implants in order to improve recovery times and patient outcomes for many different types of oral surgeries.

Understanding Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

When you think of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, you probably think of the procedure being done in a hospital or outpatient surgery center due to the relatively large quantity of blood that is needed. Due to recent advancements in the technology, much less blood (about 55ccs) is needed in order to create the platelet-rich plasma. This platelet-rich plasma is then used at the surgical site in order to facilitate the healing process, including soft tissue regeneration and bone growth. In fact, the platelet-rich plasma is often applied directly to bone grafts in order to help them adhere to the existing tissue and to increase the rate at which the graft heals. In addition to bone grafts, PRP therapy can help with healing from various types of oral surgery procedures, including mandibular reconstruction, cleft palates and lips, facial trauma, ablative procedures and dental implant surgery.

Benefits of PRP Therapy

PRP therapy is extremely safe and effective for all ages, and it is even recommended for individuals who are advancing in age in order to improve oral surgery outcomes.

  • Performed During the Oral Surgery
  • Uses Patients Own Blood
  • Helps Increase the Rate of Healing
  • Helps with Soft Tissue Regeneration and Bone Growth
  • Improves Clotting
  • Extremely Cost Effective

How PRP Therapy Works

When an individual undergoes an operation or has a wound, some of the first cells to arrive at the site are the platelets in the blood. These platelets contain vital elements needed for healing, including platelet-derived growth factors, insulin-like growth factors and transforming growth factors. All of these cells are needed in order to heal the wound, and they are a completely natural part of the healing process.

PRP therapy expands on this natural part of the healing process by placing the platelets directly on the surgical sites. This means that the platelets can get to work immediately on healing the wound instead of waiting for your body to send the platelets. When PRP therapy is used, there are also more platelets available to help with the healing and recovery process. The result is a surgical site that clots faster, bleeds less and heals much faster than normal.

PRP Therapy with Our Oral Surgeon in Melbourne

Our oral surgeon in Melbourne utilizes PRP therapy to help with bone grafts and soft tissue regeneration, dental implants, ridge augmentation, fistula repairs and cleft lips and palates as well as other oral surgical procedures. If you are uncertain as to whether or not platelet-rich plasma can help you heal after your oral surgery, our oral surgeon can examine the area and take a medical history as well as answer all your questions about platelet-rich plasma therapy and your upcoming oral surgery.

If PRP therapy is determined to be of benefit to you, a small amount of blood will be extracted from your body via the IV line that was inserted for the surgery. The extracted blood will then be spun in a centrifugal machine, and the platelets will be extracted. The PRP solution is then applied to bone grafts or placed inside the surgical site to improve healing and recovery outcomes. After your oral surgery, you will be given aftercare instructions and a follow-up appointment will be made to ensure the area is healing correctly and to perform any additional procedures as necessary.

To schedule an appointment or consultation with our oral surgeon in Melbourne, FL about PRP therapy and how it can help you heal after your surgery, call us at 321-610-7868.