
There’s never really a good time to have your wisdom teeth removed, but for most people, the procedure is necessary. And while you’d probably rather have fun lounging on the beach with your friends during the summer, it’s also the perfect time to have your wisdom teeth removed.

The biggest reason? You’ll have more time to recover. While we can’t tell you specifically how long you may need to recover, we can tell you that you’ll need three to five days of rest and recuperation.

While some people heal very quickly and may feel back to normal within a couple of days, getting back to your routine too quickly can lead to complications. So give yourself plenty of time to heal properly. Don’t rush back into school and extracurricular activities too soon. Instead, have your wisdom teeth extracted in the summer!

How Long Does Recovery Take?

In technical terms, it takes about 10 days to recover from wisdom teeth extraction. Even so, it may take the underlying bone six to eight weeks to heal entirely. Recovery time may also be impacted by any complications that occur during the surgery or recovery process. Dry sockets and excessive bleeding at the extraction sites are the most common complications. To avoid complications, you’ll need to follow your oral surgeon’s instructions closely following the procedure.

Post-Operative Instructions

After having your wisdom teeth removed, you’ll need to rest for at least 24 hours. That means very little activity, no bending over or lifting anything. Then, for about a week following surgery, you should avoid strenuous activities that increase your blood pressure. This includes sports, vigorous exercise and possibly work. Following these instructions will greatly decrease the chances of experiencing a complication.

Other Reasons to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed Before School

Not only will you avoid missing school, but summer is also a great time to have your wisdom teeth removed for more practical reasons.

Dietary Concerns

You’ll need to eat a special diet after having your wisdom teeth removed. Soft foods like pudding, Jello, ice cream and popsicles will be on your menu for a few days. They’re easy to eat and will help reduce swelling and discomfort in your mouth. And since it’s hot outside, there’s no time like summer to really enjoy these cool treats! Plus, your parents won’t have to worry if you’re eating the right things while you’re at school since they can keep a close eye on you at home.

Swelling and Bruising

Unfortunately, a certain amount of facial swelling and bruising comes with wisdom teeth extraction. This may cause you to look less than your best, and you may sound a little funny when you talk. By having the procedure done in the summer, you can rest up at home until your complexion and speech return to normal. You won’t have to go to school with chipmunk cheeks!

Pain Control

You’ll receive medications to help manage post-surgical pain. Some people experience nausea and drowsiness when they take these types of medications. During summer, you won’t have to worry about how you feel. If you do have these side effects, you can stay home and sleep until the discomfort abates.

Easier Scheduling

Since many people take vacations during the summer or want to avoid oral surgery altogether, it’s often easier to schedule an appointment while school is out. For many Melbourne oral surgeons, summertime offers more flexibility in scheduling and a better chance at getting your preferred date. That’s not always the case, but schedules tend to be more flexible.

Nine out of 10 people will need their wisdom teeth removed since most people’s mouths simply aren’t big enough to accommodate the fourth molars. And since most people have their wisdom teeth removed as teens or young adults, summer is the optimal time to schedule the procedure.

If your dentist has said you need to have your wisdom teeth extracted, please call our office today to schedule an appointment.