
At Sedaros Oral Facial Surgery & Dental Implants, we do a lot of tooth extractions. This is the process of removing a tooth that can’t be saved, or needs to be removed for another reason, in maintaining a healthy mouth structure. In general, tooth extraction is a simple procedure that usually involves local or general anesthesia, or a combination of both.

A tooth is considered “impacted” when it’s visible above the gum line. An impacted tooth needs a more complex form of extraction involving an oral surgeon. Dr. Sedaros will get access to that tooth below the gum line without harming the structure and nerves located in the jaw. It usually requires sutures to repair the gum after the extraction.

Either way, if you need to have a tooth extraction, or multiple extractions done, we’re highly skilled in this straightforward procedure at our Melbourne office. Let’s look at some of the circumstances involving tooth extraction with one of the best dental surgeons around at Sedaros Oral Facial Surgery & Dental Implants.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth extractions are a very common dental surgeon Melbourne procedure. Most people have their wisdom teeth out right as they hit adulthood, and before they go off to college. Although, it is possible to have them removed later in life, if the teeth are all of a sudden, causing soreness or pain in the jaw. In many cases, the wisdom teeth are impacted and still below the gum line. That requires a more in-depth form of removal during the extraction process.

There are four wisdom teeth that are often referred to as your “third molars.” Even if they are in an awkward position under the gum line, Dr. Sedaros will perform this as an outpatient procedure. Using the appropriate anesthesia will make those tooth extractions as seamless and comfortable as possible. You’ll have to follow all the post-surgical advice, but in a few days, your mouth should feel much better.

Impacted Canines

Another type of tooth extraction that is done by a dental surgeon involves impacted canines. The canines or upper eyeteeth are located toward the front of the mouth and are very important for biting and the overall jaw structure. When they don’t come through the gum line, they are considered impacted. Usually, this problem needs to be diagnosed by age 7, so that the appropriate course of treatment, including extractions, can take place. That way, all the remaining teeth will be able to properly fit into the mouth structure.

If a patient doesn’t get treatment in their childhood and is over 40, it’s going to involve surgical extraction, along with getting fitted with a dental implant or a fixed bridge to fix the bite line of the mouth. This procedure is done as an outpatient with local or general anesthesia for a comfortable experience.

Extractions Before Dentures or Dental Implants

With proper dental care, the goal is to save as many healthy teeth as possible. Sometimes when there are injuries to the mouth, a tooth cannot be saved, and may need to be extracted. Everyone’s individual mouths are different and require a specific treatment plan. If you need to have dentures fitted for your mouth or dental implants put in to replace decaying or broken teeth, extractions will need to be performed to make room.

Dental implants function like real teeth after an extraction is done. It’s by far one of the best advancements in oral surgery and dentistry to replace lost teeth. As a dental surgeon, Dr. Sedaros has done thousands of dental implants with much success. It’s one of the best ways to replace a single tooth after an extraction is performed.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the services we provide, including extractions, give us a call today. We’re more than happy to discuss all of your options to get your smile where it needs to be. Our office is ready to serve your dental needs.