
The majority of people get their third set of molars, commonly called wisdom teeth, during their late teens and early twenties. Many require removal each year due to misalignment, discomfort, and potential harm to healthy teeth. It’s essential to visit a dentist on a regular basis and have X-rays of your teeth taken periodically. These are particularly valuable between the ages of 17 and 21 when the third and final set of molars may present. Depending on their trajectory and alignment, a dental professional may advise you to have them removed.

Although you or a loved one may not necessarily be experiencing a current issue, proactive measures can help avoid painful conditions and potential health risks. Having wisdom teeth removed at a young age also tends to be less invasive. That’s primarily because the roots have not fully matured, and the bone tends to be less dense.

Those who have their wisdom teeth out at a young age typically recover and heal more quickly. While early intervention often proves fruitful, it’s not uncommon for community members with impacted wisdom teeth to pose health and wellness problems later in life.

Signs Wisdom Teeth May Require Removal

The American Dental Association points out that one of the main reasons wisdom teeth become problematic involves your mouth not having enough room to accommodate four more molars. They often become trapped in the jaw below the healthy teeth or break through at an uncomfortable angle. As these molars attempt to push through, you may experience the following.

  • Overcrowding: Impacted or misaligned wisdom can press on nearby teeth and close the natural spacing. This can cause food to become trapped, giving cavity-causing bacteria a place to thrive.
  • Gum Disease: Wisdom teeth that have partially emerged allow bacteria to enter the gums and cause infection. Along with painful sores, the infection can enter the jawbone. When unchecked, extensive reconstructive surgery may be necessary.
  • Sinus Issues: People too often attribute sinus congestion, pain, and pressure to other things. It’s not unusual for conditions involving wisdom teeth to create health issues elsewhere.
  • Earaches or Headaches: When your mouth can not fit another set of molars, the pressure of them pushing into the jawline may resonate elsewhere. That slow force can result in pain or discomfort in the ear canal or tension headaches.
  • Bad Breath: Because wisdom teeth lead to an overcrowded mouth, routine dental hygiene may prove ineffective. Even with diligent brushing and attempts to floss, trapped food and bacteria emit an unpleasant odor.

These rank among the signs that wisdom teeth have become a problem that needs to be addressed. By seeing a dental professional and undergoing a thorough examination, you will be able to make an informed decision about critical next steps.

What to Expect from Wisdom Teeth Removal

This type of oral surgery can generally be completed in under one hour. You can anticipate receiving a local numbing agent followed by appropriate anesthesia.

The surgery involves going through the gums and removing the wisdom teeth. After each tooth has been removed, the gums are stitched together with a material that dissolves a few days later. It’s not unusual to place gauze between the cheek and gums to soak any minor bleeding. Your oral surgeon will also provide post-surgery instructions to ensure a seamless recovery.

Schedule An Appointment

Dr. Sedaros provides dental surgery Melbourne families can trust. He understands the long-term effects of wisdom teeth and related conditions and helps community members avoid unnecessary pain, discomfort, and health conditions. If you have any concerns, schedule an appointment today.