
Patients faced with tooth loss have many options; however when they consider oral surgery, they are often thinking about placing dental implants. Dental implants are an amazing technology that replace one or many teeth while stabilizing the jaw bone and preventing future bone loss. This technology can be applied in many circumstances. For some clients the lag time in between having the titanium post placed in the jaw bone and the functional crown placed is just too long. For these patients Teeth-in-an-Hour could be a viable solution.

What Are Teeth- In-An-Hour?

Teeth-in-an-Hour is a technology developed by Nobel Biocare that allows oral surgeons to place functional dental implants for their patients in one procedure that can take only an hour to perform.

How Does This Work?

Teeth-in-an-Hour is possible for a few reasons. First a CT scan of the patient is taken two to four weeks before the procedure is scheduled. This scan is able to determine the bone density, where the implant should be placed for optimal function and healing time, and provide a framework for a perfect-fit prosthesis to be made. All prior to surgery. Because this is all mapped out by an exacting program, the oral surgeon is able to place fully-functioning implants in about an hour. Further, Teeth-in-an-Hour can be utilized for the creation and placement of a single dental implant to a whole set if so desired.  

How is Teeth-in-an-Hour Different from Dental Implants?

Teeth-in-an-Hour are technically dental implants, however the way in which they are made and placed is very different from traditional dental implants. Traditional dental implants involve a much longer procedure. It starts with the oral surgeon placing the titanium post into the jaw bone. He must then suture the site and send the patient home. The post needs between two to six months to heal before the patient can return to have their custom-made crown fitted onto the post. The once the post is placed the oral surgeon is able to determine what the crown should look like and will send his prescription to the lab. Once the posts are healed, he may then place the crown and send the patient home with functioning teeth.

Teeth-in-an-hour, on the other hand, takes much less time. After the CT scan reveals the exact locations for optimal placement the results are sent to a lab. The patient can return home and await their final appointment which will be scheduled between two and four weeks after the scan is made. In the meantime the oral surgeon is working with the Nobel Biocare Teeth-in-an-Hour labs to shore up details on your dental implants. Your prostheses will be shipped to your oral surgeon prior to your surgery date. Because of the precise points made by the software, the implants can be placed in an hour and ready for use soon after surgery.

Teeth-in-an-Hour differs from traditional dental implants in total procedure time, but it also differs in the recovery stages. The CT Scan taken before the procedure provides your oral surgeon with precise drilling sites, specific to your mouth. This level of accuracy means he will not have to make any incisions. No incisions result in lower chances for infection, and an accelerated recovery time.

Who is a Candidate For Teeth-in-an-Hour?

While Teeth-in-an-Hour is an amazing procedure that saves procedure and healing time, it is not right for everyone. After a consultation, Dr. Sedaros will be able to determine if you are an ideal candidate for Teeth-in-an-Hour. Because this procedure will only be successful with healthy bone tissue, bone grafting may be necessary before consideration of Teeth-in-an-Hour. Depending on your individual circumstances, traditional dental implants may be a better choice for you.

Teeth-in-an-Hour is a revolutionary procedure that makes the placement of dental implants more accurate and faster than ever before. If you are in need of one, or several dental implants – including a full set, but do not want to experience the healing time and dual procedures associated with traditional dental implants, ask Dr. Sedaros about Teeth-in-an-Hour today. If your jaw bone is healthy and are an ideal candidate for this procedure, you could have a bright, healthy smile in an hour.