
The 2014 Consumer Electronics Show is happening now, and the internet is buzzing with all of the new gadgets. And this year, they didn’t forget the dentists! A new web-connected toothbrush by startup Kolibree monitors your brushing behavior. We’re excited to see what Sedaros Oral Surgery patients will think about the news!

To use the new brush, you download Kolibree’s mobile app to your smartphone and the brush communicates with the app via Bluetooth. Every time you brush your teeth, the brush will record data you can view on the app. The brush records how long you brush, how rigorous you brush, and even whether you reached every tooth and your gums. The app challenges you to do better each time. New apps that sync with the data from the brush could help you turn the brushing into a game.

Kolibree is planning on releasing several different models of its toothbrush, ranging from $100 to $200, in the third quarter of 2014. The app can record data from multiple brushes, meaning every member of a family can see how everyone else is doing. The data can also be easily shared with friends, and even the dentist. We’re excited to get our hands on a Kolibree toothbrush to try it out. And don’t forget to let us take a peek at your app data next time  you’re at Sedaros Oral Surgery!