
If you’re between the ages of 17 and 25, there’s a high likelihood that your wisdom teeth have erupted. Why you may not feel any more wise, you’ve now got a full set of adult teeth and your tooth-growing days have ended! Some people notice mild discomfort as the teeth erupt through the gum line while others remain unaware of the changes in the back of their mouth. Often, the first sign of wisdom teeth is noticeable crowding of the other teeth. So what to make of this rite of passage? Does it always mean oral surgery is necessary for wisdom tooth extraction?

Typically, wisdom teeth require extraction because they can cause damage to surrounding teeth and cause infection. But in some cases when there is ample room for the new teeth, a dentist will recommend waiting until a problem arises rather than removing teeth to prevent issues. In most cases, however, the best practice of removing wisdom teeth is necessary and effective as a method of problem prevention.

If you’ve been recommended for wisdom tooth extraction and referred to our office, Dr. Sedaros will evaluate your condition and determine whether or not extraction is required in your case. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, wisdom teeth are typically removed when there are:

  • Infections and/or periodontal gum disease
  • Cavities that can’t be restored
  • Cysts, tumors, or other pathologies
  • Damage to surrounding teeth

If you’ve been recommended for wisdom tooth removal and have questions or concerns, we can help. Dr. Sedaros will make decisions based on the best course of treatment to protect your smile and your long-term oral health. Removing wisdom teeth sounds scary but is actually quite simple with an easy recovery if you follow aftercare instructions. If you’re stressed about wisdom tooth removal and wondering whether it’s right for you, we’ll take a look at your case and help you determine the best next steps for your individual smile.