
Thanks to technological advances in the dental industry, people with the lack of a strong, supporting bone who were unable to get dental implants, are now able to undergo this life-changing procedure. By undergoing a minor, yet fairly invasive surgical procedure known as bone grafting, people who weren’t good candidates for a dental implant procedure before might be good candidates now.

Some pre-procedure prep work is involved when getting a bone grafting procedure. If you are already scheduled for this type of procedure or if you are just looking for more information, you may be wondering what is involved with the pre-procedure process. The following takes a look at all the things you will need to do before the day of your procedure.

Some Medications May Need to Be Stopped Prior to the Procedure

Platelet production is extremely important in order to make sure your bone grafting procedure is a success. Certain medications, such as herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory medications, often slow down or delay the body’s production of platelets.

Before your procedure, your oral surgeon may ask you to stop certain types of medication. How far in advance you will have to stop the medication will depend upon the dosage you are taking, the type of medication, and the type of procedure you are having done.

Make sure your surgeon is aware of all medications, over-the-counter, prescription, supplements, and herbal remedies you are taking. If you start taking something in between the consultation and the day of the procedure, it is best to call the office and ask if you need to stop taking it. It is better to be prepared than to arrive the day of the procedure to discover it cannot be performed.

Follow Through with Any Dental Work that Needs to be Completed Beforehand

If you have had previous dental work performed, such as dental bridges or crowns, you may need to visit your local dentist and have them adjusted before the bone grafting procedure. These dental appliances will need to be adjusted before the procedure so they don’t move or get damaged while the bone grafting is healing.

Make Plans for Procedure Day

There will be several limitations put upon you on the day of your procedure. Some of the things that you will want to make sure you plan in advance for include:

  • Making arrangements with a friend or family member to drive you home – you will often not be able to drive for at least 24 hours after the procedure
  • Make arrangements to have someone stay with you at least 24 hours – this is to monitor you for any complications that may happen as a result of the procedure
  • Fill any pain medication or other medications, such as prescription mouthwash, before the day of the procedure
  • Make arrangements to be able to take a few days off of work
  • Plan for limited mobility – this is especially important if you are having bone removed from your body, as the recovery could take a bit to get used to

Review all Instructions Given by Your Surgeon Before the Procedure

Upon the completion of your consultation with your surgeon, you will be given a complete set of paperwork. It will outline everything you will be required to do before the surgery. The paperwork will tell you what to do and when to do it. Make sure you review it on the day of your consultation and several days prior to the day of the procedure. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and ask.

Some of the things you will be asked to do before the procedure include:

  • Not eating or drinking anything after midnight
  • Wearing loose or comfortable clothing on the day of the appointment
  • Use the restroom before the appointment
  • Remove contact lenses
  • Remove any acrylic fingernails or nail polish

Have a Cold? You May Need to Reschedule

Many surgeons are reluctant to perform a bone graft if you are sick. If you happen to notice that you are feeling under the weather prior to your scheduled procedure, don’t take the chance and call our office. We may recommend rescheduling the procedure.

Have additional questions about your bone grafting procedure or about the dental implant procedure? Call Sedaros Oral Facial Surgery & Dental Implants at (321)-610-7868 and ask! Our office staff will gladly answer any questions you may have about this type of procedure.