
Okay, so you can’t quite rely on your iPhone to perform oral surgery… yet. But the ADA recently released an application specifically to aid dentists in diagnosing certain conditions that could lead to oral surgery referrals.

The ADA Oral Pathologist app is considered a “chair-side reference” in diagnosing patients. Like any reference material, it’s used to help diagnosticians search through symptoms and cross-reference conditions to craft a list of possible ailments and craft a treatment plan. Some treatments can be effective at preventing oral surgery, while others point directly to surgical intervention to preserve the structure of the mouth and jaw. The app sells for $60 and is comparable in price to other web-based reference materials.

So if your dentist checks their phone before referring you to Sedaros Oral Surgery, don’t worry–they weren’t texting us. They were likely checking their reference app in order to ensure surgery is your best course of action. And when we see you in the office, we’ll be sure to take great care of you! At Sedaros Oral Surgery, we’re your Melbourne FL maxofacial surgeons to help preserve the function of your mouth and jaw.