
Replace Missing Teeth and Prevent Heart Disease

At Sedaros Oral Facial Surgery and Dental Implants, we know how closely related dental health is to your overall health care. Did you know that poor oral health can leader to heart disease? That’s why we’re your Melbourne FL oral surgeon for dental implants.

People with periodontal disease are twice as likely to develop heart disease and arterial narrowing as a result of periodontal bacteria and plaque entering the bloodstream through the gums. In fact, some studies have indicated that the presence of periodontal disease, cavities, and missing teeth are as predictive of heart disease as cholesterol levels. That means that in order to keep your heart healthy, you have to keep your mouth healthy.

Dental implants play a role in heart health by preserving the gums and preventing the continuation of periodontal decay. The harmful bacteria accompanying periodontal disease can wreak havoc on your body. We are your Melbourne oral surgery associates committed to your oral and total body health. Call us now to keep your heart healthy!